Friday, June 25, 2010


1.  There is an increase in subtle negative pressure and rise in negative energy attacks on full moon and new moon days. It starts two days prior and ends two days after. It is recommended that the quantity and quality of spiritual practice such as prayers, chanting the name of God and spiritual healing remedies are increased during these times. (Courtesy: Spiritual Science Research Foundation)
Sri Shirdi Sai

2. The Benefits of Spiritual Practice are:
     a. The Balanced State of Mind
     b. The increased tolerance for pain
     c. Personality Development
     d. Insulation from Destiny
     e. Bliss
      f. Liberation from the cycle of birth and death
     (Courtesy: Spiritual Science Research Foundation)

3. Don’t focus on what others want! See what is it that you want.
    When you stop looking inside and look at others, that is when you miss the boat.
    (Courtesy: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Daily Sutras)

4. Those who perpetrated violence in the name of a religion did not understand the essence of that religion.

5. Many people in this world are good teachers but unfortunately, are not good practitioners of their own teachings.

6. Misery simply means you are stuck to the outside. Joy means you are in your element. If you depend on others for your comfort, you lose your joy.
First, have this faith that nature will provide whatever I need or I deserve.
Secondly, I want nothing from anybody.
And third whatever I have, it is only for others and I will serve others as much as I can.
Finish! Where is the misery then? (Courtesy: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Daily Sutras)

7. What we consider as our strength can at times, turn out to be our weakness.

8. People tend to believe in a religion and a God that is supportive of their lifestyle at the present moment.
    Religion is just a peel of the fruit and spirituality is the pulp we should relish.

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