Saturday, June 19, 2010


Carbonated Soft Drinks (Soda) include Water, Sodium, Caffeine, Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup (another name for sugar), artificial colours, flavours, etc., depending on the type of drink. Carbonated Soft drink irritates the stomach, reduces Calcium in the bones, causes burping and has been linked to Cancer.
Diet Soda is even worse than regular soda since it contains chemicals with free-radicals and known cancer-causing agents instead of sugar. Diet sodas contain more caffeine than their regular counterparts.
Following are the ill effects of carbonated soft drinks:
1. Soda does not satisfy thirst if it contains sodium. Sodium is a form of salt and makes you dehydrated. According to the Beverage Institute, "fluids are important for healthy heart function and play a role in regulating blood pressure. Dehydration, decreases cardiac output, which may lead to increase in heart rates and reduced blood pressure."
2. Medical Studies have shown that one of the ingredients in Soda, Sodium benzoate has been linked to cause cancer because when it is mixed with the additive vitamin C in soft drinks, it causes benzene, a carcinogenic substance.
3. Studies have shown that growing teens who consume soda in large quantities have bone weakening and low bone density because they are lacking in calcium rich beverages.
4. Soda harms your teeth. Even if you drink sugar free soda, the acid content in sodas can be destructive to enamel tooth surfaces.
5. Diet soda contains Aspartame, which is highly unhealthy for your body- in more ways than one. Ten percent of Aspartame consists of methanol, also known as wood alcohol, which is an extremely deadly poison. Eventually, once you have consumed it, methanol will turn into formic acid and formaldehyde while it is in your body. Both of these things are, of course, poisonous to the body.
It is important to remember that it is one thing to drink diet soda because you genuinely enjoy the taste, but it is another thing to drink it solely because you feel that you will lose weight from drinking it. The truth is that you will not lose weight any quicker drinking diet soda than you would drinking regular soda. The only way to really lose the pounds that you are looking to lose is to eliminate all types of soda or other drinks that may be high in sugar or sodium from your diet. If you are going to be drinking diet soda, one of the most important things that you should keep in mind is that it should only be consumed in moderation - much like any other type of food or drink.
(Disclaimer: This article is a compilation of information from Internet.)

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