Saturday, February 27, 2010


The present day struggles are highly complex due to complex setting we are living in, be it either from the blight or discord with the people around us or the financial circumstances or the nature’s affliction.
The complete sequence can be split in to the following segments:
A. Precursor
The most important step is to isolate oneself from the Emotions, fear and greed. It greatly helps if we can get the rational and spiritual cap on before we commence the process.
B. Problem
a. Identify: Every problem needs to be addressed in its entirety. We need to capture different perspectives and dimensions of the problem. List every aspect on a piece of paper.
b. Simplify: Simplification of every problem is the key to the process of finding the right solution. The more the simplification of the problem, the better is the solution. List down the simplified segments of the problem.
C. Solution
a. Evaluate: Every segment of the problem has numerous solutions. Hence, evaluate all the possible solutions on a piece of paper.
b. Define: Evaluate the pros and cons of each and every solution identified and tabulate them. This procedure pops up the most reliable and relevant solution.
c. Execute: Execute the solution in its true sense with out any major compromise.
D. Assess
If the subject problem and solution has time component to it, assessment from time to time will be most appropriate. If the executed solution requires a re-evaluation due to changed circumstances, it would be prudent to revisit all the segments.
The above process can be adapted for all types of problems, be it financial, health, relationships, careers etc.
Most times, we will be better off, finding a solution by ourselves rather than depending on others for a solution. This gives us total control of the situation in the immediate and long term future.
At times, where I deem it fit, I consult my spiritual guru for an affirmation of the whole process. The interaction and consultation with my spiritual guru annihilates the spiritual insecurity embedded in the above sequence.

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