Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am still and will continue to be intrigued and at times fascinated by the infamous Roman Emperor Nero’s anecdote. By some accounts, Nero ran away to Macedonia with his lady love Claudia Acte, a former slave, against the wishes of his aggressive, cunning and ruthless mother Agrippina, after he was declared a successor to the throne. However, an unwilling and reluctant Nero was crowned the Emperor, at the tender age of 17, after the untimely death of Emperor Claudius in 54AD. Post succession, Nero often made rulings that pleased the lower class and was criticized as being obsessed with being popular. Nevertheless, over time, Nero faced a number of rebellions and power struggles that made him insecure, bitter, resentful and paranoid. Nero progressively seized more political power through tyranny, freeing himself of his advisers and eliminating rivals to the throne to consolidate his power and authoritarianism. The notable of his political adversaries eliminated by him included, his own mother Agrippina along with his teacher and mentor Seneca, close advisor Burrus, apart from his other step brothers and dissenting senators. Rightfully, over the 14 years of his rule, disenchantment among the ruling elite and masses and rebellion in his armed forces alarmingly grew, which forced Nero to commit suicide at the age of 30 in the year 68 AD.

Unfortunately, all martyred rulers hustled to power right from Nero failed to realize their follies when it mattered. Moreover, the life history of late Indira Gandhi is another great example of an honest individual ruined by unrestricted political power.  

Jayalalitha of Tamil Nadu (popularly called AMMA), Mayawati of Uttar Pradesh (popularly called BEHENJI) and Mamata Banerjee of West Bengal (popularly called DID) have gate-crashed into the male club of Indian regional politics, absolutely by their own choice and were readily embraced by the regional masses as the most viable alternative to those in power in their respective states. Regrettably, they had to endure constant insults and veiled wounds from their respective political adversaries since their opponents could not match the political intelligence, energy and allure of the charismatic ladies who rammed in to their political bastions.

Fortunately, all the three women politicians were given huge mandate by masses in their respective states with great anticipation of betterment and optimism. People overly mandated them and hustled them to power expecting them to become CRUSADERS against the evils and deeds of the previous governments that decelerated their progress and wellbeing. On the contrary, they all failed to realize that the fighter in them must cease to exist once the election battles are won, but instead continued to be relentless fighters against their political adversaries and critics. Smitten by power and delimited by sycophants all-round, their fighting tendencies metamorphosed themselves in to more furious, bitter, arrogant, constantly suspicious, insecure, intolerant and dictatorial.

The flaunting of authority, never ending loyalty tests to their loyalists, misappropriation of state finances, personal exuberance to make themselves immortal in the eyes of common man (ala, statues by Mayawati) and wielding of a heavy hand of the state and police against the political adversaries and dissenters alienated loyalists, friends, media, intelligentsia and masses alike and thus made them perceive conspiracies in anything negative and every reversal they had to endure during their time in power. Precisely, this is what Amma and Behenji had experienced in their earlier terms and is currently happening to Didi. Amma and Behenji became imperious, lonely and ill-advised due to desertions by intelligentsia as well as loyalists and were trapped in a state of siege by highly self-centered sycophants and had to chew the dust during the subsequent provincial elections.

Amma, after being out of power for a decade, seemed to have settled well in her new term of office due to the lessons learnt from the past, justifying the rightful mandate against the decade long limitlessly corrupt Karunanidhi regime.

Conversely, Didi seems to be treading the dangerous tyrannical path by installing fear in the masses, being arbitrary, hot-tempered, arrogant and showing little sensitivity and lack of discretion when it comes to atrocities on women and assaults on intelligentsia by political goons. The public outcry, of late, by the disgusted and angered citizens along the media is a testimony of her misrule and highlights the immediate need to completely change her style of functioning.

Although we empathize with Didi concerning the unhealed wounds of those long years of persecution by the previous regimes, she shall realize at once, that her wounds shall be healed and her pain turned to pleasure by keeping her political detractors away from power as long as she can. However, this can be a reality only if, she can relentlessly work for the public causes as well as pragmatically crusade against the misdeeds of the previous government and build enormous warmth and faith in the masses.

The histories of all martyred rulers hustled to power right from Nero can never be glorified due to the existence of factual evidences while as the present crop of politicians still have a great opportunity to learn from the history and imprint themselves graciously and gloriously in to the history books of the future.

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