Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Times have changed forever…………….
The way we look at the world, the way we live, the landscapes, the threat perceptions and the nature & the quantum of risks have been changing.
We are living in constant fear, fear from nature, Environmental degradation, terrorism, financial and social insecurity, uncertain future etc.
Blitzkrieg is one of the successful battle plans used by the Allied forces during World War II and in Iraq war in 1993. Blitzkrieg is an idea of defeating your enemy using shock tactics to break his line, and fast moving forces to penetrate deeply and throw the enemy back in confusion.
On the other hand, this battle plan is transformed effectively in to a new weapon in this new millennium by the terrorists and Psychopaths to wage guerilla warfare during peace times to create chaos in the fragile social fabric of the society thus weakening the governments and emotional as well as social intelligence of the individuals of the society. This new weapon, Emotional capitulation, is mental, eerie, and unpredictable and at the same time is very powerful. Let’s see how this weapon is effective.

Mental toughness and physical well being of people is paramount for the development of humanity either collectively as a region or a country or a community or as an individual. However, the development can be either stifled or paralyzed by weakening the mental toughness or causing considerable physical damage.
Every individual is gifted with Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is all about an Individuals traits and cognitive abilities applied to enhance one’s own Social Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence and Intrapersonal Intelligence. The quest for development or growth excites the positive traits and abilities in an individual or a group of individuals. This excitation of positive traits and abilities among the human race can result in to an effective, synergized, moral and empathetic society which is in Harmony with itself, nature and energies of the cosmos. A Harmonic society/ individuals are contented, mentally tough and physically strong.
On the contrary, misguided terrorist groups and malicious individuals in the quest of impious objectives have penetrated deep in to the society and areliving in the guise of a common man. They are resorting to diverse unpredictable, shocking and random guerilla activities generating fear psychosis in the societies eventually exciting negative traits in the individuals of the society and suppressing their cognitive abilities thereby ensuring a dis-oriented and unrest society. A dis-oriented and unrest society can further accelerate negative traits and plummet the cognitive capabilities in individuals which is nothing but Emotional capitulation. In emotional capitulation, an individual lives in fear which decelerates their self introspection and self realization capabilities and acts most of the time with unconscious mind. Actions resulting from an unconscious mind are akin to the animal behavior, thereby demeaning human race.

As an example let us take the case of a serial killer who is on the prowl. History tells us that most of the victims, even if they are physically strong, fall prey to the killers due to Emotional capitulation.
It is WE as individuals who have to make ourselves mentally tough and emotionally strong to face the changing world and achieve measurable growth.

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