Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Many of us, at times in our lives, must have enjoyed Success and basked in its glory. However, Success is a big teaser. Many a times, it neither lasts long enough to give contentment to one-self nor encompasses all other important facets of our lives.

Interestingly, most of us dread to admit that they are contented with socially acknowledged Success achieved in their lives. The reasons can be many; firstly, the definition of the word “SUCCESS” may mean different for people from diverse socio-economic environments, societies and countries; secondly, the duration of the Success shall matter; and finally, did the Success in an aspect of one’s life positively metamorphose the other important facets of his/ her life?

Interestingly, SUCCESS is a word which has the most vibrant interpretations and has wide ranging standards of measurement. The dynamics can be attributed to quite a number of variables, the prominent among them being the subtlety of bench marks and the standards that measure them (yardsticks).
Nevertheless, externally acknowledged “bench marks” are seldom permanent but are invariably supple, relative and at times is unleveraged. The above conundrum is similarly applicable to “Yardstick” too. Hence, it is irrational to focus on such socially acknowledged bench marks and yard sticks of success and presume that such successes gives perpetual conscious satisfaction and unconscious happiness.

The ultimate goal of a self is to live with perpetual conscious satisfaction and unconscious happiness which emanates from a SUCCESS encompassing all spheres of life that is identified, defined, executed and evaluated by self rather than others.

Similar article by Brahmakumaris "ANALYZING SUCCESS AND FAILURE" can be accessed in Vijay Karanam's other blog http://vijaykaranam.blogspot.com/.

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