Friday, June 11, 2010


The first time I heard of Shri Nityananda was through his book LIVING ENLIGHTMENT in January 2010. I glimpsed through the book and found the content simple, logical and thought provoking. The first impression was that of awe for his spiritual knowledge and his abilities to make many people spiritually more inclined through his work shops and discourses.

I happened to travel to Srirangapattanam by road from Banguluru in February 2010, and could gauge his popularity in that region by the number of his cutouts and posters both in the city and along the highway. However, as fate would have been, he was implicated in a sex scandal in early March 2010, which tarnished his image to an irretraceable extent. Further investigations carried out till date by the law enforcement agencies are pinning him down further to various related and unrelated crimes. What an irony for a man who was worshipped by people not so long ago but finds himself in a pathetic situation at the moment. A great fall indeed...................
 This reminds me of a story by noted author and philosopher, Paul Coelho which appeared in the print media a few months back, and is reproduced in my own words below.

A disillusioned and unmarried young man, vexed with worldly pressures and demands seeks shelter and solitude on a remote mountain top, spending all his time meditating and in self realization. Some people in the nearby village close to the foot hills of the mountain, taking pity of his plight start supplying the essentials on a good will. One day, a village girl goes on to the mountain to oversee the gazing of her family goats and accidentally meets the young man. Incidentally, she is attracted to the young man and proposes marriage to him through the village elders. After some persuasion by village elders, the young man marries the girl. They build a house on the mountain and with time they bear a couple of children. The villagers in the mean time donate a few cows for their daily nutritional requirements and in turn they seek the young man’s spiritual insights and wisdom. The news rapidly spreads to other villages around, and people start regularly visiting him. A new settlement is created around the man’s house on the hill top and the young man is again dragged in to the worldly pressures, demands and pleasures. However, the man realises too late that he unconsciously diverted from his goals and is entangled in a tightly knit web which he cannot escape.

Precisely, this story reflects the plight of spiritually inclined young men with wisdom who UNCONSCIOUSLY become victim to their isolated momentary weaknesses and then get sucked in to the quick sand of earthly pleasures thereon.

Shri Nityananda, has the following challenges confronting him in the times ahead:
Firstly, society and followers demand much more from Evangelists or Spiritual leaders than it will get in practice during the current times. Precisely, this widening gap between expectations and reality has to be bridged through indisputable & authentic spiritual practices and commendable personal example befitting his role in the society.

Secondly, re-organising the marzipan layer of his organisation with right people for the right job, who are capable of demonstrating the organisations bona fide intentions through correct religious, spiritual and legal practices. (Alleged financial irregularities, Tax evasion issues, seizure of 180 litres of blue kerosene in the Ashram by Government officials etc., could have been avoided with the right people in the right places.)

Thirdly, the people in the marzipan layer of his organisation to relieve Shri Nityananda of his administrative responsibilities enabling him to concentrate more on spiritual aspects that are vital to the society.

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